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A happy ending, without end.

Every story that we have read, or have read to us, during our childhood had a happy ending. An ending in which the prince saved the princess or the protagonist managed to defeat evil. But do good endings exist?

For me, they do not exist. Indeed, happy endings seem like a cliché of fairy tales. I do not dream in armor, nor with prince charming. My imagination goes beyond that. When I dream, I think of being the heroine of my fairy tale. Or why not be the one to save the defenseless prince.

I don't believe in happy finals. There is never an end to love. I always dreamed that this feeling could carry over to death itself. I trust that love is something more.

That is why I believe that the love of reading exists. It's a connection between your book. The story and you. It makes you explore your mind. Everyone has their tastes. Some are passionate about mysteries, others, there is nothing better than a good classic for them, and others prefer the philosophical. What difference does it make?

My main reason why I create this blog is to make a little bit of me reach everyone. Through my reviews, I want to give everyone a little bit of each genre.

Without further ado, welcome to my literary blog.

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